2011年4月20日 星期三


so, you have no graphics card, but you still want GUI management / X Windows......

Perhaps you do have a graphics card but want the convenience of using VNC to reach your Fedora machine?

There are some great turotials on getting the basics of VNC set up, but it always logs you right into the machine as a specific user...I want to choose my user....VNC + GDM is the answer

Torque 中,限制哪些Queue 只能在哪些 node 跑

12.1.3 Queues
Some resource managers allow queues (or classes) to be defined and then associated with a subset of available compute resources. With such systems, such as Loadleveler or PBSPro, these queue to node mappings are automatically detected. On resource managers which do not provide this service, Moab provides alternative mechanisms for enabling this feature. TORQUE/OpenPBS Queue to Node Mapping
Under TORQUE, queue to node mapping can be accomplished by using the qmgr command to set the queue acl_hosts parameter to the mapping hostlist desired. Further, the acl_host_enable parameter should be set to False.

Using native IB support for GPFS

資料來源: http://mytravelingfamily.com/2009/03/04/using-native-ib-support-for-gpfs/

March 4, 2009 in Computers | Tags: gpfs, Infiniband, verbsPorts, verbsRdma

Just a quick follow on to the last post. If you try to use native IB support with GPFS instead of the IP over IB you need to set the verbsRdma to enabled. You also need to set the rdma device to use with the verbsPort setting. If you get the following error in /var/mfms/gen/mmfslog then you didn’t properly set the verbsPort

Lustre 安裝與設定

rpm -ivh lustre-modules-1.8.5-2.6.18_194.17.1.el5_lustre.1.8.5-ext4.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh lustre-1.8.5-2.6.18_194.17.1.el5_lustre.1.8.5-ext4.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.18-194.17.1.el5_lustre.1.8.5-ext4.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh lustre-1.8.5-2.6.18_194.17.1.el5_lustre.1.8.5-ext4.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh lustre-ldiskfs-3.1.4-2.6.18_194.17.1.el5_lustre.1.8.5-ext4.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force e2fsprogs-1.41.10.sun2-0redhat.rhel5.x86_64.rpm
shutdown -r now

CentOS 5.5 自己 build kernel


KVM 指令參考

查看 virt-install 各項的參數,執行:
virt-install --help

查看 virt-install 完整的使用說明,執行:
man virt-install

Linux KVM: Disable virbr0 NAT Interface

The virtual network (virbr0) used for Network address translation (NAT) which allows guests to access to network services. However, NAT slows down things and only recommended for desktop installations. To disable Network address translation (NAT) forwarding type the following commands: